Had You Been Around | Diana Ross | Supertesti.it

Had You Been Around

Testo Had You Been Around

I might have known a lot of things
been smiled upon by kings and queens
had you been around
Perhaps had you been by my side
my dreams might not have been denied
had you been around

I‘ve wasted many years, tasted many tears
and I want to know
lost on my own before I knew of you

I might have heard the sigh
of someone passing by
had you been around

And though it seems absurd
I really never heard
a sound

until that day
you came my way
with bless I never found
and it might have been
had you been around

Had you been around

Perhaps had you been by my side
my dreams might not have been denied
had you been around

I‘ve wasted many years, tasted many tears
and I want to know
I‘m lost on my own before I knew of you

I might have heard the sigh
of someone passing by
had you been around

And though it seems absurd
I really never heard
a sound

until that day
you came my way
with bless I never found
and it might have been
had you been around
one more time
and it might have been
had you been around
do it
and all might have been
had you been around

had you been around

Playlist Spotify

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